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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Longing For A Safe and Sheltered Eternal Life As Much As We Long For A Safe and Sheltered Physical Life

Thought that has been stirring around in my mind today.....I hear people complain all the time about the crime, drugs, and bad people in our area. They say, "I won't put up with these kind of people/behavior, I'll move to a safer place" And rightfully so no one wants to live around chaos discord and crime. We all long for a peaceful life with out fear of people hurting us and our family.

But this kind of mind set should also apply for our souls and Eternal Life as well, not just our physical lives. Because even though we can move away to a possibly safer place in this world while we are alive and get away from the murderers, rapists, drug dealers, thieves etc. But, If our souls are not ready to go to heaven when we die, those same type of people we strive to avoid all our lives we will be stuck in eternity with them, living in the same house with them FOREVER! There will be no policemen to protect us, no apartment manager to complain to try and get the bad people evicted and moved out so our community can be more safe. All that will be there is ever lasting torment and suffering.

The only hope we have for a safe, peaceful and sheltered life and Eternal life is Jesus without Jesus and the repentance of sin there is no hope for that peaceful, sheltered and safe community. HE is the only policemen, protector we have that can truly keep us from harm and the desires of the devil to steal, kill and destroy.

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