Miranda's Music

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Preparing To Go Into The Hospital For My Upper GI and Colonoscopy

This week is going to be so hard.

On Wednesday Afternoon March 6th I am being admitted to Ohio State University Hopsital in Columbus to be monitored as I prep for my Colonoscopy and Upper GI Tests they will be running on me the next day March 7th.

Why I have to be admitted for the prep is because I get violently ill when having to do the prep and vomit up the stuff you're suppose to drink to clean your colon out.  And already being very ill and nausea's every day without even doing the prep my doctor decided it would be best to have me admitted since I had to be rushed to the emergency room the last time they tried to do a test like this and because they couldn't get my nausea, vomiting and pain under control. 

Jeremy will be spending the night with me at the hospital and he as well as my Mom will be with me the next day for the tests.

I'm not scared to do the tests it's the prep that scares me. On top of the prep making me sick.  I will not be allowed to take my medicine that helps me from getting nausea's and sick to my stomach, and without my meds I'm always violently ill, even more so than when I am taking them. 

Then Of course depending how good or bad I am doing after the tests I may end up staying in the hospital longer to recover.

So last week was spent getting the house cleaned and in order, so that we are ready for these tests and I can come home to a clean house and not have to worry about anything. 

Today was spent getting laundry done, printing out an updated list of my meds I'm on and packing the meds I might be able to take while in the hospital.

Tomorrow will be spent packing and making phone calls to find out when I will be admitted and also starting on a semi liquid/soft food diet to prepare for the tests. 

Then we leave to spend 2 days at OSU.

My only worry in doing all this, is that the doctor will not find out anything and will come back and tell me he can't figure out what is wrong with me and why i am not getting better. 

My prayer to God is to allow them to find something because 5 years of living this way is too much and Jeremy and i can't take anymore!

I'm so tired and so is Jeremy of day after day after day watching me in pain, the nights and days of vomiting and diarrhea and sleepless nights that never seem to end, is just becoming too much for him to handle.

Pray for us please we desperately need them.