Miranda's Music

Listen To Miranda's and her husband Jeremy's Music and Download Many of the songs they have recorded over the years

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Grandpa Has A New Heart...I am Calling Him Our Personal tin Man

Thursday afternoon, my Grandpa had surgery to put a pacemaker in his heart. His heart has not been working properly and his heart rate would hardly go higher than 41 beats a minute. He and my grandma stayed together at the hospital over night and then came home yesterday afternoon.

Already we can see a big improvement to my Grandpa's health thanks to the pacemaker.  he has been up most of the day, sitting in his favorite chair, watching his fav tv shows n taking care of maggie and sissy (my grandparent's 2 yorkie Chihuahua mix doggies) already after only 2 days post surgery. 

He still has a long recovery, but we all are so happy to see immediate improvements and hope he continues to improve as the days and weeks pass.

I am continuing to stay with Grandma and Poppy and it doesn't look like i'm leaving anytime soon.  If things keep going the way they are with my marriage and also my grandparents health i will be staying with them well into spring. 

Continuing to take things one day at a time and leaning on the Lord to lead me.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Taking Things One Day At A Time

A while back I posted a blog about my husband and i separating and possibly getting a divorce.....

Well, this week I will be completely moved out of our home except 4 pieces of furniture that will be moved in the next 2-3 weeks.

But my husband and i are continuing to talk daily through phone calls and text chats and so we are keeping the lines of communication open and if he decides to want to work things out then it will be easily done

Yesterday when I went over to our home to finish going through what little bit i had left of small things, we talked for 4 hours and even went down the street and had dinner together for the first time since all this started nearly 2 months ago.

I am continuing to go to counseling and getting treatment for my PTSD, and I am even making progress already.  In just 2 session with my counselor I have already been able to heal and move on from one of the traumas in my past.  Normally after a past counseling sessions i would leave feeling more traumatized and scared than ever.  But not with my new counselor she had me go through this certain trauma and by the time I was done with the session she had me so calm and relaxed that for the first time in my life I was happy and felt good mentally and even drove home!!!!!  And the night terrors i had been having that were related to this trauma have stopped!!!

My husband noticed a big change in me emotionally and mentally, and is very happy to see me making progress. 

But so far he still doesn't know what he wants to do on either working things out or going through with the divorce.  That is why i am taking things one day at a time with him and preparing plans to move forward with depending on which way he decides to go with our marriage. 

To my friends who are reading this, please continue to pray for me and my husband and that God's Will be done in all things in our lives. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

latest gi doctor visit to battle crohn's

last tuesday i went back to my gi doctor for my 4 month follow up.  He noticed i have lost weight, 10 pounds to be exact which in my case is a very good thing, but he is very concerned about my continued extreme intestinal pain episodes that knock me off my feet and make me feel like i'm going to pass out/collapse.

So the gi doctor is wanting to schedule another smart pill camera procedure to see how bad the disease has gotten since i went off of all crohn's medication 4 months ago (because the meds were not working) and see what medication to possibly try next.  But until medicare approves the test it's back to playing the waiting game again until i can go have this test done.

However, while waiting for the smart pill camera procedure I am having weekly therapy counseling sessions with my new PTSD certified counselor and in just 2 sessions I'm already making head way in healing from the over 20 years of abuse that i have never productively dealt with and healed from.

Well, that is about all the updates i have for now.  It's going to be a beautiful fall weekend and i'm hoping to be able to enjoy everyday of it.