Miranda's Music

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Monday, February 11, 2013

One Of My Worst Fears Came True

Saturday Feb. 10, 2012 Jeremy took me to my Great Aunt Maggie's Memorial Service. My Aunt Maggie passed away from Alzheimer's and the family held her memorial service at the church my Granny and Aunt Linda attend. 

After the service the ladies from the church made a dinner for my family.  Well I decided to eat a small meal even though I knew I would be running to the bathroom right after.  I wasn't worried because the church had plenty of bathroom stalls in the womens bathroom to choose from if I needed to go.

Well, after eating I had to go.  I went to the bathroom all the way at the end like I always do so if I start to smell, I smell up the back of the bathroom and not the front where everyone is coming in.  So I'm sitting there doing my business, and I decide to do what is called a "complementary flush" because the bathroom was beginning to smell.  I flush the toilet while sitting on it, but after a few seconds I feel water hitting my butt! I stand up and the toilet is over flowing! I can't Stop it even though there was a plunger in the stall and I was plunging as fast as I could, along with my pants down around my ankles (yeah I was a sight to behold).

I'm standing in the stall plunging with my pants down around my ankles, and the water and what I had done in the toilet comes running over on the floor and goes everywhere.  At this point I just wanted to die! I'm in a public bathoom, the toilet has over flowed with poo and water all over the floor and I'm standing there with my pants down around my ankles all at the same time. One of my worst fears has just come true!

I pull my pants up and run out of the bathroom down the hall to where my family and friends are and tell my mom what has happened. Luckily my Aunt is the janitor for the church so she had her husband get in the janitors closet and get us a bucket of water and a mop.  And God Bless my husband! Because he went in the bathroom and cleaned up the mess so my Aunt wouldn't have too since I was already more than embarrassed.  We got the mess cleaned up and even though I was mortified my family was understanding and no one made fun of me or was mean.  I'm just happy it didn't happen around strangers because that would have been even worse and I think I would have dropped dead right there. 

Having Crohn's is bad enough but dealing with stuff like this especially in public makes it even worse, but thank God for a loving husband and family. 

1 comment:

  1. Something similar happened to me when I had to pee in a cup at the doctors office! I always take my pants off to give myself room to maneuver. Well I was taking care of the cup, and while I had my underwear on the pants were on the sink waiting to be put back on. I figured I was ok, and so flushed. Water gushed everywhere, down the floor, out the door, unto the carpet. I was not only mortified I was suddenly confused and forgot I had no pants on. I opened the door a tad bit to see if anyone was there. There are 4 men standing there. I close the door quickly. By now, the water is still pouring over the side more and more quickly. I screamed. NEVER ever scream in a doctors office bathroom! Somehow, I managed to get to CNA/front office person to ask the men to move so I can get to my room in his office. My life saving not overly embarrassment was because I was his last patient and most every one had left.

    I now, make sure that all things are back in place before I flush and I open the door and walk out. They still talk about this (It happened in Nov. 2012). I so understand your embarrassment!
