Miranda's Music

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Tests, and New Doctors

After my last Gastro appointment on Dec. 23rd 2011 and the gastro dr. telling me yet again for the 2nd time since Sept. 2011 "I don't know what is wrong with you" he tells me yet again "I don't know what is wrong with you, but I don't think all your diarrhea, stomach and intestinal pains are from Crohns disease, and you need to go back to your family doctor and have him refer you to a gynecologist and possibly other specialists because I don't know what to do for you."

This gastro dr. has only been my dr. for 4 months and this is what he is telling me! I'm ready to find a New gastro doctor and NOW!

So, on Jan. 19, 2012 I go to my family doctor for a follow up from the what the gastro doctor told me to do. My family doctor didn't have any kind of paper work or any of the test results from what the Gastro Doctor did right before Christmas! My Family Doctor really didn't even know what was going on until I told him everything. His reply was, "we need to find you a new specialist, do you have any in mind."

My family doctor also believes all my symptoms ARE because of Crohns because my Crohns is NOT in remission. My family doctor then asked me, "so what is the gastro doctor doing for you right now?" I had to tell him NOTHING other than keeping me on medication for Crohns which doesn't seem to be helping. He was upset to say the least.

My last CT Scan in December, showed I have an enlarged cyst on one of my ovaries, and this is what the Gastro doctor thinks is causing all my problems. However, my family doctor doesn't think so, but to be on the safe side, and to rule it out, my Family Doctor ordered a ultrasound of the cyst on January 31, 2012. He isn't referring me to a gynecologist right now because he thinks that would be jumping the gun before he would do any other tests to see if I even need to be referred to a gyno doctor.

Then my family doctor also ordered a blood test, to test me for ciliac disease because that sometimes goes hand in hand with Crohns and he wants to rule that out as well. And he ordered another stool culture because I'm showing signs of having Cdiff again....yuck!
I am desperately praying that I don't have either especially ciliac disease. I already have 2 diseases and I don't want to have to add a 3rd to my life, these 2 I already have is bad enough.

The good news I have to share is that after 20 days of being on the steroid predisone, I did NOT gain Any weight. However I did not lose any, praise God for that. I had never been so excited to get weighed at the doctors' office ever in my entire life.

Even after taking the predisone my days/weeks are still consisting of chronic pain (as my family doctor calls it) switching from diarrhea to constipation every other day, and still being very weak and some days bed ridden from pain and weakness. Yesterday however, was one of the best days I've had in over a month. I was able to do house cleaning through out the day by working about 10-15 minutes at a time, then sitting and resting for 20-30 minutes. Then getting back up and working 10-15 minutes again. It was a great feeling to be able to do that after so many weeks of Not, even if it did take me over 5 hours to do house work that use to take me 1-2 hours by myself. Jeremy did help me by sweeping, mopping the kitchen and doing the dishes because by the time I got everything else done I had no energy to finish the kitchen. I thank God for him and that I am blessed to have a husband who isn't afraid to do a little "woman's work". If he hadn't done that it just would not have gotten done, thank you Jeremy for helping me.

Now after getting the blood tests and stool culture done, we are playing the waiting game until we get the results and also playing the waiting game until I go and get my ultrasound on my cyst. Then another possible waiting game to get in to see the new gastro doctor once i get referred. I have to call my family doctor with the name of the gastro doctor I want to be referred to at the Ohio State University Gastro clinic and then he will get the ball rolling for me. I will be calling me Monday to tell him the name of the Gastro Doctor.

This past Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I went and spent those days with my Grandparents so that Jeremy could have a little break from taking care of me. But over those 2 nights I spent with them, my poor grandmother didn't get much sleep because I was so sick. The first night was the absolute worst. I didn't get to sleep until after 3a.m and was awake every 1-2 hours waking up in pain. Grandma kept getting up and checking on me every hour or so to make sure I was OK and also didn't go to bed until I did. the difference between Grandma taking care of me and Jeremy taking care of me, is that Grandma doesn't have to go to work or school, and can sleep as long as she wants. So she did get caught up on her rest and she said she enjoyed having me come over despite my health problems.

While I was Grandma and Poppy's I read the book "Heaven Is For Real" if you have never read this book it is a must. It is about a little boy's experience going to heaven. I read the book in less than 2 days it was so good.

So now I am back home for a few days before heading back to Grandma and Poppy's (weather permitting) to spend a couple days with them again. So that I won't be alone when Jeremy is in class in case something should happen with my health. This looks to me the norm for me at least for the winter quarter of college. I hate being away from my husband, but right now it is for the best until we can get my disease into remission and get me feeling better.


  1. i think its very good to keep tract of whats going on with up i hope you start feeling better..hugs.
    tiff chansler

    1. My thoughts are, if I don't keep track of all my symptoms and what is going on with me no one else will and the doctors aren't going to believe me unless I throw sometimes up to 8 pages of paper work in their faces. It has been a nightmare fighting with this gastro doctor. I'm just praying God lead me to the right doctor/specialist who will not just say "I don't know what is wrong with you"

  2. Wow! You are really an amazing woman. April Garris posted your link on facebook and I had to come check you out. Thanks for your inspirational story.


    1. April is a wonderful friend, thanks for stopping by. Not many people know what Crohns disease it but it affects most children and young adults, the prime years of your life.
