Yesterday I got the call about the results from the CT Scan I had done last Tuesday on my Guts.
The Bad News: I have wide spread permanent scar tissue damage through out my intestines and there is nothing the doctor can do about it.
The Good News: Right now there is no signs of active Crohn's disease that they can see.
The Other Bad News: They still don't know why I continue to have these "spells" where I get in extreme pain and collapse on the floor, or break out in a cold sweat and collapse on floor. And 1-2 times a week I am completely bed ridden with extreme 8 out of 10 level of pain.
What they aren't doing: The doctor has cancelled the smart pill camera procedure is not treating the crohn's at all until the crohn's goes out of remission.
What They Are Doing: The Doctor is going to try and put me on a new medication to try and ease my stomach issues A.K.A Irritable Bowel Syndrome to try and get the nausea, vomiting, stomach spasms, and the 4-8 bowel movements a day under control.
But this however is it, there is nothing else to be done for me at this point until the disease goes out of "remission" and my intestines get more and more damaged then there will be a med change to consider, so the doctor says.
This is the healthiest I'm going to be and I may not be this healthy for long depending on when the disease decides to go active again and start to try and destroy me.
Lots of tears being shed today. But we have to realize that when the doctor says incurable there is going to come a point when there is really nothing else than can do other than send me home and have me come in for a check up every 6 months to a year.
So, I am going to just keep doing what I have been. Taking things one day at a time and enjoying the good days I have and surviving the bad until the next good day comes along.
Pray for me friends because they are literally all I have left to lean on, and that God will heal me.
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