(Click To Enlarge To Read)
As you can read from the image above, there are more things wrong with me due to the Crohn's Disease. Now I have damage to my esophagus because of the acid and bile build up in my stomach, along with vomiting 1-2 times a week over the course of 6-7 yrs.
The good side to this is the Dr. was able to see that the inflammation in my small intestine had gone down quite a bit from the Crohn's Medication I have been taking, and he was finally able to take a biopsy of it.
However, the Upper Endoscopy didn't quite go as planned. During the procedure, they didn't give me enough medicine to sedate me and my body woke up and I began choking on the tube/scope in my throat. I could feel myself choking and trying to throw up but I couldn't get fully awake. I honestly thought for a few seconds before they quickly shot me with a double dose of sedatives and totally knocked me out, that I was going to choke to death. I couldn't breath and was trying to gasp for air but the scope was in my throat.
The only thing I heard someone say clearly was, "she has a very strong gag reflex" then I was out and the next thing I remember was being told that I was back in my room and needed to wake up and drink something.
Yeah right! It took me over half an hour to be able to open my eyes completely and sit up on the side of the bed. I had never been that knocked out except for when I had surgery, It took me quite a while to even be able to get back into my regular clothes.
Jeremy took a before and after pic of me. The after pic I have no recollection of him telling me he was going to do it, even though he says he did. Looking at them now that I'm awake I laugh at myself. Because honestly what else can you do? After the procedure and I was starting to wake up I was seeing little children or midgets (not sure which) running in a field and I at one point thought I was some where else other than where I really was. I saw glitter falling from the ceiling (again) for some reason I always see glitter falling when I get shot up with these sedatives or pain meds. And pictures flashing fast before my eyes like I was looking through a photo album or slideshow on a computer screen. WEIRD!
So I made it through another day, a little doped up still in the head, but at least we have more answers and within 10 days the biopsies will come back and we'll have an official diagnosis as to what else is going on with me.
Miranda Before Sedation
looking a little nervous but alert and ready to go

The good side to this is the Dr. was able to see that the inflammation in my small intestine had gone down quite a bit from the Crohn's Medication I have been taking, and he was finally able to take a biopsy of it.
However, the Upper Endoscopy didn't quite go as planned. During the procedure, they didn't give me enough medicine to sedate me and my body woke up and I began choking on the tube/scope in my throat. I could feel myself choking and trying to throw up but I couldn't get fully awake. I honestly thought for a few seconds before they quickly shot me with a double dose of sedatives and totally knocked me out, that I was going to choke to death. I couldn't breath and was trying to gasp for air but the scope was in my throat.
The only thing I heard someone say clearly was, "she has a very strong gag reflex" then I was out and the next thing I remember was being told that I was back in my room and needed to wake up and drink something.
Yeah right! It took me over half an hour to be able to open my eyes completely and sit up on the side of the bed. I had never been that knocked out except for when I had surgery, It took me quite a while to even be able to get back into my regular clothes.
Jeremy took a before and after pic of me. The after pic I have no recollection of him telling me he was going to do it, even though he says he did. Looking at them now that I'm awake I laugh at myself. Because honestly what else can you do? After the procedure and I was starting to wake up I was seeing little children or midgets (not sure which) running in a field and I at one point thought I was some where else other than where I really was. I saw glitter falling from the ceiling (again) for some reason I always see glitter falling when I get shot up with these sedatives or pain meds. And pictures flashing fast before my eyes like I was looking through a photo album or slideshow on a computer screen. WEIRD!
So I made it through another day, a little doped up still in the head, but at least we have more answers and within 10 days the biopsies will come back and we'll have an official diagnosis as to what else is going on with me.
Miranda Before Sedation
looking a little nervous but alert and ready to go
Miranda After Sedation
Screwed The Heck Up! Wow!
Screwed The Heck Up! Wow!
Glad that is over with.
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