Yeah this is how I feel most mornings. Thought I would share this gross yet funny pic since Halloween is right around the corner.
That past few days have been another fight. Sunday October 23rd I woke up with a horrible pain in my neck. I went to the bathroom looked in the mirror and there at the base of my neck was this large sore!
It was hot to the touch as if it had a fever in it and very red and infected. So the next morning on Monday I called the doctor right a way to make an appointment. Because I've had sores like this popping up on my body for 2 years now every 2-6 months and the only way to get rid of them is to go to the doctor and get put on an antibiotic.
I make my appointment to my family Doctor and he takes one look at this horrible sore on my neck and tells me, that this one has him worried. Because I'd never gotten one on my neck before and there are lots of complications that can arise with a sore like this on the neck. He said he was happy that I came in right a way to have it treated, because if not it could have turned to something really bad in just a couple of days. So, he puts me on another round of antibiotics, and prescribes me also a antibiotic cream to put on the sore and other sores that might pop up to heal them. He also took a culture of it, which came back negative for STAPH or anything which is good but doesn't really explain why i keep getting these sores.
I'm on the antibiotic until the middle of next week, and already it is causing problems with my Crohn's. As all antibiotics do. Last night was the worst.......Literally Jeremy and I got 0 hours of sleep, even after I maxed out my pain meds I would dose off for a few minutes and then wake up with horrible intestinal and stomach pains. By the time the sun was coming up this morning and it was going on 8 a.m. I just broke down and cried. Because of no sleep, pain, and most of all it was time to take another round of the antibiotic. Which in turn repeats the vicious cycle.
My Gastro Dr. thinks I need to be referred to a dermatologist because neither him nor my family dr. know why I keep getting these horrible sores all over my body. However, if you look up symptoms/side effects of Crohn's disease it says that Crohn's can cause painful large sores on the body and even inside the body of a person with the disease. But for some reason when I tell the doctors this when they ask me why I think I keep getting these sores and I tell them I think it's because of the Crohn's they just look at me with like they aren't sure. Don't get me wrong I love my doctors, it's just I am really tired of having to take antibiotics every 2-6 months to fight these nasty sores. I also would like to know why I keep getting them, but it seems there are more questions than answers right now.
So it looks as if I'm going to be going to a dermatologist in the very near future. Which means more tests to be run and more bills to have to pay. Oh Joy!
Along with all this I have another fight with Medicare! I just received yesterday the bill for my Gastro Emptying Scan I had done over a month ago at Mount Carmel West Hospital, and Medicare is refusing to pay anything on this bill! Now Monday I have to call Medicare and try to talk to them and see why they won't pay anything and are leaving me with a $115.00 bill to pay. I have my suspicions as to why and it has to do with the Oh Great Adena Hospital that I talked about in my last blog about how they have been billing medicare for bills they shouldn't be.
The only good news this week I have so far is that I am now on A prescription strength generic version on Prevacid to help with the Damage in my esophagus. it is affordable and cheaper than buying the over the counter version of Prevacid.
I did go to my Grandparents and spent the night with them on Tuesday to give poor Jeremy a break so that he could get some much needed rest. Taking care of me day n and day out is very tough for anyone, especially when you sleep in the same bed with them and they are crying and whimpering in pain in their sleep waking you up. I had not been to my Grandparents in over a month from being so sick. It was great to just have a change of scenery and talk to my Grandma and my Poppy. It is so hard on them to watch me struggle and fight this disease, especially my Grandma because she is the type of person who wants everyone to be happy. And it's clear that I'm not happy most days especially a day like today. She's told me "I've prayed some nights when I know you are in so much pain, that God give me your pain. I'm old and I have been through more than you and I can handle this better than you can."
Sadly she is not the only one who has prayed this prayer. My Jeremy at times has laid next to me holding me and stroking my hair as I cry out in pain. Yelling, "God GIVE ME HER PAIN PLEASE TAKE IT FROM HER AND GIVE HER A BREAK FROM THIS! I CAN HANDLE THE PAIN GIVE IT TO ME!
But for some reason God chooses Not to take my pain away and I have to go through it even if it lasts hours or days on end.