So much has happened in my and my husband’s life over the
past month, that I just cannot write it all in one blog post. And just to think about writing it down makes
me so emotional that I just start to cry. So To allow you to know I will share
my facebook updates from that past few weeks.
And then I will write a separate blog about tomorrow, as my mom takes me to OSU East Hospital for more Pre Op Testing. And also write about the results of
my pre op testing and surgery when they come in.
Facebook Timeline Updates From Past To Present
Big celebration happening tonight in
the caverley home. I'm not allowed to tell, but my hubby will be making a BIG
announcement soon, and I will share all when he does. But for now splurging on
some Ben and Jerry's ice cream for dessert and taking my honey out for dinner.

This is the big announcement: My
husband starts his new job tomorrow as a data analysis at McGraw hill education
in blacklick Ohio. We hope to move closer to his job in the next 7 months. So,
goodbye chillicothe, after 33 years of living here I'm ready for a new
adventure and a change of scenery.
My husband just finished his first
full week at his new job. So proud of him. Lasagna, garlic bread and pie for
dinner to celebrate national pi day. Because I married a geek — with Jeremy
At grandma's for the night, then
heading to the hospital in the morning to have blood work done, and a echo
cardiogram and if everything comes back normal, I'm cleared for surgery at the
end of next month. Asking for continued prayers as I continue to fight this
disease and against all the side effects that it continues to cause. —

Urgent prayer request: after 2 hours
of having my blood work done, the doctor's office was calling me to inform me
that my potassium level was dangerously low. The sad news is I'm already on
potassium prescription strength pills and still my level is low. I told the
nurse I wasn't surprised because of all the vomiting and diarrhea I continue to
have and that there are days I can't hold the medication down especially the
potassium Med because it is very hard on the stomach and can cause vomiting n
diarrhea by itself.
So the nurse talked to the doctor and there are only 2 choices left for me and the last one I really don't want to have to do. The first option which we are trying is another form of potassium in tablet form that dissolves in water like alka seltzer tablets and I drink this 2 times a day, but if I continue to vomit and not be able to get my level up then we are faced with the last option. If I can't get this under control by pills, then I will have to have potassium infusions. Meaning, once a week at the least I will have to go to the hospital be hooked up to iv's and a heart monitor and have the potassium put into me that way either until the doctors can get my condition under control or possibly for the rest of my life.
This is a very serious situation I'm constantly fighting against because if my potassium level drops too low I can go into cardiac arrest and die. And or my kidneys can shut down just to name two of the things that can happen if this goes un treated.
Due to my limited diet due to this disease and my body not absorbing the nutrients in the food i eat properly, this is my constant battle. Battle against malnutrition, dehydration and the side effects of them like dangerous drops in my levels.
My only hope is that God heal my stomach/body so that I can hold down the medication so I am not faced with having to do the infusions.
What hurts even more is over the past few weeks I've actually had people tell me/write me that i'm pretending to be worse than I am and that i need to stop talking about my condition and asking people to pray for me. And now as I'm preparing for surgery i also find out about this. If I'm pretending then why are the doctors urgently calling me and scheduling test after test and prescribing medications and scheduling surgery!?!? Either I am really this sick or i'm the biggest con artist who ever lived oh and I'm the one footing the bill so really the jokes on me if I am.
So please also pray for the people who have said these awful things to me. And again thank you friends for praying for me, because God is the only one who can heal me, and your prayers I know make a difference.
So the nurse talked to the doctor and there are only 2 choices left for me and the last one I really don't want to have to do. The first option which we are trying is another form of potassium in tablet form that dissolves in water like alka seltzer tablets and I drink this 2 times a day, but if I continue to vomit and not be able to get my level up then we are faced with the last option. If I can't get this under control by pills, then I will have to have potassium infusions. Meaning, once a week at the least I will have to go to the hospital be hooked up to iv's and a heart monitor and have the potassium put into me that way either until the doctors can get my condition under control or possibly for the rest of my life.
This is a very serious situation I'm constantly fighting against because if my potassium level drops too low I can go into cardiac arrest and die. And or my kidneys can shut down just to name two of the things that can happen if this goes un treated.
Due to my limited diet due to this disease and my body not absorbing the nutrients in the food i eat properly, this is my constant battle. Battle against malnutrition, dehydration and the side effects of them like dangerous drops in my levels.
My only hope is that God heal my stomach/body so that I can hold down the medication so I am not faced with having to do the infusions.
What hurts even more is over the past few weeks I've actually had people tell me/write me that i'm pretending to be worse than I am and that i need to stop talking about my condition and asking people to pray for me. And now as I'm preparing for surgery i also find out about this. If I'm pretending then why are the doctors urgently calling me and scheduling test after test and prescribing medications and scheduling surgery!?!? Either I am really this sick or i'm the biggest con artist who ever lived oh and I'm the one footing the bill so really the jokes on me if I am.
So please also pray for the people who have said these awful things to me. And again thank you friends for praying for me, because God is the only one who can heal me, and your prayers I know make a difference.
This version of the song Safe And
Sound is my go to song right now on days like today. I lay in bed and just wrap
my arms around Jeremy Caverley and we hold each other and listen
to this song and yes, I begin to feel safe and that everything is going to be
OK and we hope that tomorrow will be better. And continue to believe God has a
purpose in the face of all this adversity.
The movie in the video is "Now Is Good", and it is a really great but sad movie.
The movie in the video is "Now Is Good", and it is a really great but sad movie.
Rough morning....was woken up out of
a dead sleep to up chucking and running to the bathroom. Going to attempt to
hold down food and take the potassium tablet.
---Comment in response
to how I’m feeling: Yes and No, even after taking
one morning stomach Med, eating and forcing down the potassium, then an hour
later taking another stomach med, I started dry heaving again and had to be
given phenergan to try n stop the nausea. Now I'm sleepy from the phenergan
and running to the bathroom with diarrhea (sorry if tmi). However, watching a
person doped up and trying to rush to the toilet is kinda funny, I'm laughing
at myself so laugh with me. This is why I wasn't forcing the Med down because I
can't hardly keep it down. And I still have to take the potassium one more time
this evening and at this point I don't know how it is going to go, bed rest,
crackers, n water are my companions today. Along with praying God help me to
keep it all down.
Really sick again today from pushing
the potassium tablets down me to try n get my level back up. —
Bible with Jeremy

31 March ·
Update on potassium level.....after
2 days of force feeding the potassium and being very very sick from it and bed
ridden, my level came up to the lowest a person can be without needing to have
an infusion, but today I was unable to take any potassium or I would not have
made it to the lab to get the blood test done. 20 bathroom breaks and 6 trips
to the upchuck bin in 48 hours and another 7 bathroom breaks today, my bathroom
breaks and upchucking has doubled what it normally is on a daily basis just due
to crohn's alone.
The doctor realizes I can't keep forcing the potassium down me, but has not come up with a plan yet and is still trying to not do the infusions because it is so dangerous and only wants to do them still as a last resort. Yet tomorrow and the day after my level will once again start to drop and I'll be back in the danger zone once again.
Crazy thing is they actually asked me if I have tried eating bananas and drinking orange juice!?!? If I could eat and drink that stuff I wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe it was just one of those dumb questions they have to ask, but really!?!?
I'm not going to pretend I'm not scared, because I am but I know at the same time God is in control and I'm continuing to trust in him and lean on my hubby Jeremy Caverley who is doing an amazing job taking care of me through all this. And I also need to give a big shout out to my Dad, he stayed the whole day with me and even watched the movie Frozen with me. —
The doctor realizes I can't keep forcing the potassium down me, but has not come up with a plan yet and is still trying to not do the infusions because it is so dangerous and only wants to do them still as a last resort. Yet tomorrow and the day after my level will once again start to drop and I'll be back in the danger zone once again.
Crazy thing is they actually asked me if I have tried eating bananas and drinking orange juice!?!? If I could eat and drink that stuff I wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe it was just one of those dumb questions they have to ask, but really!?!?
I'm not going to pretend I'm not scared, because I am but I know at the same time God is in control and I'm continuing to trust in him and lean on my hubby Jeremy Caverley who is doing an amazing job taking care of me through all this. And I also need to give a big shout out to my Dad, he stayed the whole day with me and even watched the movie Frozen with me. —

Today will be spent looking for a
new doctor.....again. Got thrown under the bus by one of the doctors who has
been caring for me even before I was diagnosed with Crohns and certain health
problems that a GI doctor nor a surgeon can take care of. Family and friends
are at a loss for words as to why I'm being treated this way, and so my Grandma
and I will be on the phone most of the day today calling doctors to see if we
can find one, that will take me under their care, and also calling my
specialists to see what they can come up with as a care plan/preventive plan
for these certain medical problems I'm continuing to face.
Because as of yesterday, this doctor told me to stop taking all medication that he prescribed and go back to my GI doctor because he isn't going to be handling these problems. Even though these "problems" are high blood pressure and high heart rate, which I have had problems with even before I was diagnosed with crohns and have been on medication for over 2 years and now I have no doctor to monitor this.
So let us pray my blood pressure returns to a normal level and also my heart rate, and that my potassium doesn't drop even one point because I don't have anyone to monitor these conditions until I can find a new doctor. —
Because as of yesterday, this doctor told me to stop taking all medication that he prescribed and go back to my GI doctor because he isn't going to be handling these problems. Even though these "problems" are high blood pressure and high heart rate, which I have had problems with even before I was diagnosed with crohns and have been on medication for over 2 years and now I have no doctor to monitor this.
So let us pray my blood pressure returns to a normal level and also my heart rate, and that my potassium doesn't drop even one point because I don't have anyone to monitor these conditions until I can find a new doctor. —

Prayer Request: Today prayer warrior
friends, I want to ask you to pray for my husband Jeremy
Caverley. He is literally at the end of his rope dealing with this
disease that I continue to fight and also the fight we are having with the way
one doctor and the nurses are treating me.
My husband literally cried for 30 minutes last night, and even questioned how he is suppose to continue to watch me go through this and go to work at the same time. I am very concerned that if something doesn't give to the lighten the stress and strain, that he may have a nervous break down.
Over the past 6 days Jeremy has broken down numerous times. And I just keep praying God help him to deal with the stress and chaos we are facing. Because I don't know what else to do. —
My husband literally cried for 30 minutes last night, and even questioned how he is suppose to continue to watch me go through this and go to work at the same time. I am very concerned that if something doesn't give to the lighten the stress and strain, that he may have a nervous break down.
Over the past 6 days Jeremy has broken down numerous times. And I just keep praying God help him to deal with the stress and chaos we are facing. Because I don't know what else to do. —

There's nothing better than watching
a Disney movie when you are feeling yucky. — watching Bambi.
Heading to OSU East outpatient
clinic next Tuesday morning....Surgeon has scheduled more pre operation testing
for me to make sure my levels n everything are OK for him to do the surgery on
the 25th. My mom is taking me, and luckily I don't have to do any preps or
Jeremy Caverley Wrote and tagged me
Sometimes you can't save people from
pain, you have to go through it with them... — with Miranda
I'm still here and i'm alive, i'm
not ok, but i'm continuing to fight, for those that have been worried. —

Very very sick today, at my
grandma's stuck in bed. but this little kitty Miss Lily is always by my side
when I'm here stuck in bed. She loves on me and keeps me company. I love this
Now you understand why I couldn't try and re-write and re-live all this over again. It's absolutely heartbreaking and unbearable at times. I still have not found a new Primary Care Doctor but my Grandmother and I are going to be calling more places this week. Our hope is to find a doctor who knows what Crohns disease is and can handle treating the side effects the disease and also medications at times can cause that the GI doctor can't take care of.