On Valentines Day Jeremy and I celebrated our 7th anniversary, of the day Jeremy flew from California to Ohio to meet me face to face after 3 months of talking through the internet, video chat and telephone while he served in the U.S Coast Guard.
7 years we have made it and we are still in love and even more so than that day I saw him standing in the terminal waiting for me to pick him up, and I walked up to him and kissed him for the very first time and knew immediately....this was the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.
Though at the time we didn't know what we were to endure to be together. Every step of our relationship has been a battle against forces beyond our control. Yet we have persevered. Valentines day this year was the worst anniversary day we've ever had, so far in our life together. I will not go into much detail, but on that day last Friday we had an emergency hit us and it was nothing we could stop. Due to this emergency I was forced to cancel my upcoming surgery at OSU East with my colon/rectal surgeon, which I desperately need because I'm in such agony with the condition this disease has caused.
But there was nothing that could be helped to change it, and we even had to ask for help from my family to get us through and we still do not know if this calamity is over with yet.
As soon as this "emergency" has been taken care of and is over, I will be rescheduling my surgery and the other heart test I need to make sure my heart is healthy enough to go through with being put under anesthesia.
On top of all this, due to the constant acid reflux/gerd/vomiting I have been been fighting for nearly 7 years now. I have gotten laryngitis and have not had a voice in over 4 weeks now. I went to a throat specialist and he sadly told me there was nothing he could do because until the GI doctor gets my stomach condition under control my throat will continue to be irritated. But amazingly enough the doctor was surprised to see that when he put the snake cam down through my nose and into my throat, that my vocal cords have ZERO damage to them after nearly 7 years of the acid/bile eating at my throat! That to me is a miracle from God, because he has preserved my voice in the face of this disease/condition, so I can sing again once I get better.
Through all that I have been through God has continued to preserve my gifts/talents. I can still sing, I can still play drums (when I have the strength), and I can still play piano and write and learn beautiful music. Even though I cannot use them the way I desire to, playing in church and traveling playing for special events around ohio like I use to do. From the age of 15 when I first began playing drums professionally in church, all my gifts I have given to God and made a covenant with him that I would always use my gifts to Bring Glory to Him and not myself. For with out God I could never have learned to play the instruments I do and sing as I do without Him. For I was never trained or given lessons on anything I play. I taught myself and God blessed me with the knowledge. Jeremy calls me a prodigy because he doesn't understand how I can sit down at the piano and just by listening to a piece of music, I can figure out how to play it within minutes! No sheet music no nothing just listening. My mother says that God made me very special and she has no idea how I do it either.
Even though no one can hear me, I still continue to play and practice my instruments when I have the strength and as soon as I can get my voice back I'll continue to practice my vocal exercises and sing.
As a gift to Jeremy for valentines day I learned a beautiful piece of Music Called "Two of Us" Written by the famous Japanese Composer Joe Hisaishi. It is one of my favorite pieces I have EVER Learned and truly allows you to feel the Love Jeremy and I have for one another.
Link To Valentines Day Video: A Song For Jeremy